5th of 2020: The Emami Way, by RS Agarwal & RS Goenka
6th book of 2020: Bhujia Barons, by Pavitra Kumar
7th book of 2020: How I almost blew it, by Siddharth Rao
8th book of 2020: Havells, The untold story of Qimat Rai Gupta
9th book of 2020: The Inheritors by Sonu Bhasin
10th book of 2020: Trust Me, I'm Lying by Ryan Holiday
11th book of 2020: A Man's Search for Meaning by Viktore Frankl
12th book of 2020: The One Thing by Gary Keller
13th book of 2020: What shall we do with all this money by Jayesh Parekh
14th book of 2020: Flash Boys by Michael Lewis
15th book of 2020: Hey Whipple, Squeeze This by Luke Sullivan
16th book of 2020: 12 Rules for Life by Jordan Peterson
1st book of 2021: How to fail at almost anything and still win big, by Scott Adams
18th book of 2020: Traveling Music - The Soundtrack to my life and times, by Neil Peart
17th book of 2020: Atomic Habits by James Clear