At this moment, nobody should take the US Department of Justice seriously. It's more corrupt than Indian Babus eating cash in Bihar. Easily.
There's a famous Latin American saying (originally attributed to Peru's Oscar Benavides), which goes, "For my friends, everything. For my enemies, the law". It perfectly captures what the US DOJ has become - a political weapon for the US Deep State, infected by the radical Left and installed by George Soros. Nothing they say can be (and should be) accepted at face value. They're merchants of dirt, and their only job is to destabilise anything that's against their grain.
Apropos of Adani case, let's look at the US Attorney for the Eastern District of New York - Breon Peace - the guy who announced the whole schbang. He's a Soros stooge. Direct links to his foundations, and installed by Chuck Schumer. No wonder New York has been reduced to a hotbed of crime and absolute filth, while guys like Peace count getting pro-Trump social media influencers like Douglass Mackey as one of their "successful prosecutions". It's a joke.
A weaponized justice system is the hallmark of a third world country, and US took a short slide to becoming one as soon as Soros began hacking his DAs into the system. The political lawfare destroyed all credibility of the justice system when they went after Trump. All while crime went through the roof in their backyard.
And that's why the left lost the election. But they're still at it. Of course. It's war, after all.
As per the case, Adanis (along with Azure Power) bribed "unnamed government officials" in Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Tamil Nadu and Odisha. Why? Because these companies in collaboration agreed to supply 12 GW of power to the Solar Energy Corporation of India (SECI). But since all this pertains to SECI entering into PPA with State electricity distribution companies (SDCs), and because SDCs were not willing to buy as the power was expensive, Adanis and Azure "allegedly" oiled the corrupt Babu machinery and paid the equivalent of US $265 million from Jul 21 to Feb 22. Soon after getting paid, the SDCs went ahead with the projects, thereby proving the ancient adage, "money talks, BS walks". And everyone lived happily ever after.
That's the case.
Now it's very likely that Adanis bribed the Babus. Sure, they must have. Who can get any work done in India without oiling the bureaucracy? But the point is, would they have made "Powerpoint presentations" and "Excel sheets" of their bribes for the convenience of Soros' prosecutors? Na.
Also, isn't it a terrific coincidence that this (and the Hindenburg short) happened right before Adanis were going for a major fundraise? All while they're also setting up to be a major force in the international space, essentially representing India? Na.
Adanis have always flown too close to the sun. And of course, they must've oiled a lot of Babus as they went on. But still, this case sounds like a crock of BS. And it'll be proved in due time.

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