A lot of people are perplexed about why Indians living in India are so happy with Trump's win. After all, how does a US president affect the Average Aakash?
This question, while not being very deep, is very important because not everyone is well initiated (or even interested) in global politics. However, as Leonardo Da Vinci once said, "Realise how everything connects to everything else". And once you do a bit of reading and connecting the dots, you find out that the outcomes of the US national elections affect an average Indian almost as much as the Indian general elections do. If not more.
Now that may sound like an exaggeration to some, but it's really not. You see, in this hyper connected, globalised world, India doesn't exist in a bubble. And neither does the US. And being the official superpower of the world, what US does affects India in a very deep, tangible way.
Let's say you're a guy living in some city of Assam, Odisha, Jharkhand or Bengal. One day you wake up and there are a new set of people around your locality. They seem different, and you don't know what's going on. But soon enough you realise that they've silently, but quickly established some kind of settlements around your place. A few days later, you're informed that one of your friends was passing through that area when a fight broke out. And unfortunately and perhaps unexplainably, he got caught in that crossfire and died. Your friend is no more. Upon some Police drama, it's found that those people were from Bangladesh. They had fled their homes because of some trouble in their country. Now the whole legal BS will ensue for years, but how does that matter to you? Your friend just died. And it could have been you, you know. It just wasn't your day.
Now after such incidences pile up and become what's called "news", you find out that because of the political turmoil in Bangladesh, a lot of migrants are coming to Indian states via coastal lines, roads, and even rivers.
And what caused the turmoil in Bangladesh? Oh, it was just classic foreign interference by the US political machine. That's what killed your friend.
That's just one example of the "little" things that the US political machine has always been doing. The US machine is what built China into what it is today, it's what has kept Pakistan fueled against India since forever, it's what destabilized Sri Lanka, and most recently, it's what changed everything for Bangladesh.
Everyday Indians have been victims of American foreign policy adventurism since time immemorial. But Trump was different.
Trump cut Pakistan's funding, openly called China for its exploitative trade policies, didn't interfere in places like Bangladesh and Sri Lanka, withdrew from Afghanistan down to the last 2000 troops (peacefully), and let India run without artificial troubles created due to wasteful interventionism.
That's why Indians are happy.
They just wanted to be left alone. And without Trump, they knew it wasn't possible.

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